Can I have Warez, Appz, Serialz and or commercial software on my homepage?

No, if we find them in your directory or links to them, your entire account will be subject to termination. For more information, please review our Terms of Service.

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My Account is suspended for Overdue payment! How to get it restored?

We have an automated system which suspends accounts if the invoice is overdue. It will send an...

Will I be able to check my emails when I am away from my home/office computer?

Yes, we provide all our customers with their own Webmail access. What this means is that you can...

Is there a minimum time contract/commitment required?

You may choose your terms at sign-up. No contracts are required. You may cancel at anytime, there...

Will I have unlimited access to update my pages?

You have unlimited access via FTP or FrontPage 24-hours a day. As such, you can create and...

Can I upgrade my plan or features later?

You can purchase new or expanded features, or upgrade to a new plan at any time. There are no...